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Velorodeo aka VeloPeterhof

Peterhof is an ideal place for cycling and roller-skating. The 14 historical parks and gardens with a system of waterways on the shore of the Gulf of Finland. Comfortable smooth paths and no cars!

We know better than anyone:

  • The best routes for cycling;
  • The best places for swimming;
  • The destinations worth visiting;
  • The cosiest and inexpensive cafes and restaurants;

Pricelist for the equipment rent (roubles)


Per hour

Per day




Deposit: ID document + 500 rbl. or 3000-10000 rbl (depends from bike of other equipment).

The VeloPeterhof club offers not only bicycles and roller skates for rent but full-fledged theme bike tours as well.

Welcome to our bike tours:

  • The Imperial Peterhof (3-hour long, price - 1300 roubles) - an unforgettable tour around the Alexandria park. The tour includes a visit to the museums "Imperial bicycles" and "The Cottage Palace" .
  • The Fountains Waterway (3-hour long, price - 1300 roubles)  - a unique hydrotechnical construction, which is worth seeing with your own eyes. We'll show you the way the fountains of Peterhof have been working regularly with no pumps for several centuries. You'll see the Belvedere Palace, the Rose Pavilion, the Samson Canal and many other beautiful things.
  • The Peaceful Parks (3-hour long, price - 1300 roubles) will reveal for you English-style landscapes and palaces of Peterhof. You'll see the famous oak-trees which served as models for Shishkin's well-known masterpiece "The Three Bears"; the "Head" Stone, which inspired Pushkin to write a part of his poem "Ruslan and Ludmila" and you'll find out many secrets of the Russian royal families.
  • The Russian Village "Shuvalovka" (3-hour long, price - 1300 roubles) - the tour starts in the Alexandria park and continues along the Royal Lower Road parallel to the coast of the Gulf of Finland past the Znamenka estate to the Russian village "Shuvalovka". There you will learn about the life of a traditional Russian village, its rules and habits. You'll visit the Blacksmith workshop, the Pottery, the authentic Peasant house, the Handicraft workshop, the Wind Mill, the Skiff Boat and the Church of the Lady Birth.

We organize bikerides in Peterhof for everyone! You can also visit out cultural and historical bikerides around the fabulous surroundings of Petrodvorets with your own bicycles.

Prices for the biketours



Distance ≈ (km)

Price (rbl.)

The Imperial Peterhof


10 km - 3 hours


The Fountains Waterway


15 km - 3 hours

The Peaceful Parks


15 km - 3 hours

The Russian Village "Shuvalovka"


10 km - 3 hours

To visit one of the tours you are welcomed to make a reservation on the phone +7 (812) 974-74-31

Our address

Saint-Petersburg, Peterhof (old title is "Petrodvorets"), Sankt-Peterburgskoye Shosse, 121

The working hours (summer season)

Mo - Fr: 12-22

Sa - Su: 11-22

In case of bad weather (temperature less than 10° Celsius) if you have made a reservation or for a group of people there may be exceptions.
For more information contact us on +7 812 974-74-31 from 11 to 20 every day.

How to find us?

By taxi-bus:

Take any taxi-bus with a sign "Peterhof" or "Fountains": 

  • from "Avtovo" underground station № 424, 424a, 224, 300;
  • from "Leninskiy prospect" underground station № 103.
  • from "Baltiiskaya" underground station № 404. 

The fare is 70 roubles (the data is actual on January 2017). Travel time is about 40 minutes.

By train:

The trains leave from the Baltic railway station (The "Baltic railway station" underground station) in the direction of Oranienbaum or Krasnoflotsk to the "Noviy (New) Peterhof" railway station. After that it is need to go to Zverinskaya st. 6 about 25 minutes (about 1.8 km).

The fare is about 60 roubles (the data is actual on January 2021). Travel time is about 35-40 minutes.

We recommend to buy tickets in the ticket-offices (near railway stations), because in case of buying ticket from a ticket-collector it will additional service charge 100 roubles.

The trains timetable from St.Petersburg to Peterhof.
The trains timetable from Peterhof to St.Petersburg

By car:

Along Saint-Petersburg highway to Noviy (New) Peterhof. Turn left on the crossroads of  Saint-Petersburg highway and Avrova street. On the next crossroads - Avrova st. and 3-i proezd ("tretij proezd") - turn left again. On the next crossroads 3-i proezd ("tretij proezd") and Zverinskaja st. turn left again.
So, from Saint-Petersburg highway it is need 3 times turn left...

Here you can read about Peterhof in English:

Other rentals (outdoors retnals)

Also we have outdoors rentals. Summer - bikes and roller blades, winter - tubings, cross-country skiings and Finnish sleighs:

  1. Oranienbaum (summer): Lomonosov town, Dvorcoviy pr., 46. Not so far from park entrance with gates.
  2. Oranienbaum (winter): Lomonosov town, entrance in Oranienbaum park in front of Stravinsky square (Ilikovskiy pr., 14).
  3. Saint-Petersburg, Underground station "Bolshevikov" (only winter), behind Ledoviy palace (Rossiyskiy pr., building 1) in the park opposite Rossiyskiy pr., building 3 (please, see the map to understand where is it).
  4. Saint-Petersburg, Murinskiy Park (aka Murino; winter and summer). Pr.Lunacharskogo, 57 (near the restaurant "Chinar" or 800 m from shopping and entertainment complex "Rodeo Drive").
  5. Saint-Petersburg, Yuzhno-Primorskiy Park (South-Seaside Park; only summer), place 22 not so far from Doblesti street building 27.


Велоэкскурсия "Ораниенбаумский плацдарм и Морской десант"
Дата публикации: 08.05.2021
В этом году велоэкскурсия состоится 10 мая!
Посетим памятные места, посвященные Великой Отечественной и другим войнам и расскажем о том, как удалось восстановить Петергоф после войны.
Место старта: Петергоф, ул.Аврова, д.5.
Дата и время: 10 мая 2021 г., 12:00.
Продолжительность: 3 часа.
Стоимость: 1500 руб.
Со своим велосипедом — скидка 50%!
Запись по телефону (ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНА): +7 812 974-74-31
Велоэкскурсия подойдёт даже для начинающих велосипедистов, темп — прогулочный с остановками у достопримечательностей (и при необходимости).
Велоэкскурсия состоится при наборе группы 6 человек и больше. #Петергоф, #Велородео, #ВОВ, #Победа

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